Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 1: Arriving in Denver

Hello all! Let me begin by officially declaring that this blog is in no way under the supervision of CNN and that the views expressed from this individual do not necessarily reflect the views of CNN the corporation. Basically, I'm an intern, so when you read this, don't think it's something CNN is publishing.

Pretty much all of you who are reading this have been informed of my rare and spectacular opportunity to work for CNN at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. Throughout my stay here, I hope to keep all of you interested and updated on the latest happenings of the convention, from the rare viewpoint of a intern floor-runner. Now while this blog will discuss many items which involve politics, and political figures, I will in no way promote or deny either political party. I will raise questions about what I expect from things and perhaps how political actions may affect future progresses, but it will be out of pure professionalism, and not out of the desire to reveal my own political affiliation, or to persuade the affiliation of my readers. All 5 of them.

With that being said, let me share with you about my day! I arrived in Denver at about 10:30 local time and met up with my supervisor/cameraman Jay McMichael. I met Jay through our church, Grace Community, and he has been an extreme help to me as I have worked to make this trip a reality. I was able to also meet some other workers, one of which who was a engineer for CNN's famous "wall" which pundit John King uses to discuss voting habits, and demographics while stationed in D.C. It's a fascinating machine that helped pave the way for the technology of the iPhone.

We arrived at Brooklyn's the restaurant where CNN is setting up camp for the DNC which is actually next door to the Pepsi Center, and also the headquarters of MSNBC and FOXNews in Denver. I was given a tour of the Pepsi Center by our on-site chief, which allowed me to actually step onto the Convention floor and the CNN suite's for correspondents. The convention floor was amazing. With everything from the huge HD screen, to the 135 foot tall LCD screens, the Democrats really know how to put on a show.

Now I will say this, that it does seem puzzling that they would spend so much money, and believe me this thing cost a boat load, even though their main man (Barack) won't even be in the room. Obama shows up Thursday to give his big speech in Invesco Stadium, which means he will not at all experience the atmosphere or the wealth of technological goodies that are currently in the Pepsi Center.

In conclusion, I was able to hang out on CNN's Election Express tour bus/van thing, and while I was one it I got to hang out with CNN pundit Bill Schneider, one of their top analytical correspondents. He shot his spot for the Situation Room multiple times with Wolf Blitzer just outside where I spent much of my day, and he was quite tired, but still found time to talk with me about Salisbury, Perdue Chicken, and how he spends his 4th of July's with Barbara Streisand at his Malibu house. What a trip this is turning out to be. More to come tomorrow.


Lacie Der said...

I am so glad you're having a great time! Wow.. talking to Bill about perdue chicken? Intense... and Barbara in Malibu?! Insane... Love you brother, praying for you out there


The Fam said...

Wow!! we are soo excited for you? You talked to Bill about perdue chicken? wow. we miss you so much! hope you are having a great time there!

Drew said...

Drea and I just came flew home from Denver on Monday! Definitely recommend going up in the mountains if you get a day off. Have fun at the convention! Tell Anderson Cooper I said whattup.

Brian Lomax said...

I agree 100% on the money wasted on this thing and the O man won't even be there. Although, some big names will be there..The Clintons, Al Gore, Mark Warner, so it should be good stuff. Good opening post my friend.

Love or Nothing said...

that's so exciting jonTHAN! keep us posted!

Laura said...

jon, i am so excited for you!! and i'm excited to read all about it! have a great time!

L said...

Way to represent the Perdue goodness! Here's hoping this internship goes fantastically, yo.

Unknown said...

As your d-team leader, a former journalist fanatic, and a current American Government Teacher I am proud to be one of your 5 readers!!!

Just make sure to bring me back something sweet to show my kids!

P.S.- Guest speaker!?!?!